Which brings us to the word of the day: As Sandy was reading to me from the guide book about the plant life in the arboretum, she said they had "cra-BOPles". "What?" I said. "Cra-BOPles".
"You mean "crab apples?" "....Uh, yes." [Cue the chuckles.] In her defense, Sandy cited the name of Bart Simpson's teacher, Mrs. Krabapple, as the source of her pronounciation. Uh, OK.

"Krabapple" was in the running to be the word of the day until we got to the top of this hill, which, we learned, wasn't just an ordinary hill 240-foot hill. It is actually a "drumlin," which is a hill formed hundreds of thousands of years ago when the glaciers melted and left a pile of debris. Interestingly, there are crabapple trees planted on the slope of the drumlin, where colonial farmers planted fruit tree orchards. (See photo below of the crabapples on the drumlin.) Thus, the winner for the word of the day is "drumlin."
Madeline here. I love this park so much. it's too bad there is no basculeor krabanana trees.